Dreams are not lost or broken...but pieced together as best they can be to create reality...
ok so yeah-NATHAN is the one telling my mom that im a party animal, that im drinking and smoking-he says hes CONCERNED. i say fuck that. hes fucking jealous-if i had invited him along he wouldnt have cared. hes a vindictive child and im sick of it. i called him and said "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" i told him to stay out of my business, to drop my stuff off, and after that nothing. game over. fuck you. click. to make matters worse, my mom is upset cuz shes helping me with money and thinks im spending it on drugs and parties (im not) so i talked to her a bunch yesterday and sunday, trying to reassure her that i am trying and that i am responsible-then what happens? my alarm didnt go off today. i was supposed to be at the school to volunteer at 9am. i didnt wake up till 10.30. but hopefully i can make up for it. im going job hunting today, cuz im tired of waiting on carvel. hmph.

my fireman didnt call me like he was supposed to last night. im kinda ill about that. normally i wouldnt care but yanno, im kinda stressed out. i did however, give this cute guy my phone number last night. we call him Bam (cuz he has this tshirt with the word "BAM" across it that he wears alot) and he was hitting on me so i gave him my number....we'll see.

well im off to lunch and to go job hunting and maybe catch a movie.
over and out-

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 06, 2004
Brokendownprincess................You sould all fucked up to me. Straighten your ass out or you will end up sick and dead.
on Apr 06, 2004
ok you dont know me and you dont know what ive been through and what i can or cannot handle. constructive criticism is fine, but comments like that aren't. please keep them to yourself.
on Apr 07, 2004
Just trying to help. Sorry about being so harsh. But you must be careful these days--the world is like a mine field. There is danger everywhere. OK, hun?
on Apr 07, 2004
Marvin, you scare the beejezus out of me.

on Apr 07, 2004
you sound like you're stressed out. I must admit that reading about 'going to the movies' and 'out last night' makes it sound like you're living well. Your mum may therefore be understandably worried that you're living too well. It's worth working out (for yourself only) how much money your social life and smoking (if you are) is costing you. Socialising does not necessarily mean spening money though and I' not saying you are. I tend to find that the more bored I am the more I'll spend trying to make my life interesting. This could be your current problem, waiting for the job hunting to deliver. Good to hear you're doing volunteer work. if only more people did! Don't waste your effort worrying about blokes calling you. We're all assholes at that age and only interested in ourselves. The good news is that we grow up. Well, most of us do. Just remember that and have fun (not too expensive though).

Good luck with the job hunting and i hope it all works out.

on Apr 07, 2004
thanks guys...the only reason i flipped marvin is cuz i do know better. ive been drugged and raped and the whole kit 'n' caboodle. so when i party, im cautious. and usually when i go out paul its cuz my friends take me out. my guy friend nick always takes me on "dates". we're just friends but he knows i hate being here all the time so he treats me to dinner and movies and pool and stuff. and if i smoke or drink its given to me by trusted friends. the only thing i pay for party wise is cigs. but ya know...whatevas. yeah boys suck. but i understand it. and i dont wait for anyone to call. if he calls he calls if not then oh well...i'll find someone new. now if only you were single and lived here, then we'd be all set paulie.
on Apr 07, 2004
Sweetie, I'm sorry you're so down. I wish I could do something to make it all better...I'll try and send more good karma your way, ok?
on Apr 08, 2004
brokedownprincess..........Your not careful enough, getting raped and all. And stop smoking cigarettes. they will kill you. I got an old grandpa who is dying of cancer and spits yellow buggars all day. And the fool still smokes a pack a day. Good luck, none the less!!!
on Apr 08, 2004
Careful Marvin, suggesting getting raped has anything to do with carelessness is a very dangerous thing. Studies in the UK show that in almost 45% of rape cases there was nothing the victim could have done to reduce the chance of being raped. Nothing at all. No change in behaviour, change in clothing, change in location. Nothing. The fact that many victims are often racked by guilt over what they could have done differently makes your statement very careless.

And princess it sounds like you at least have some good friends. I always find that close friends are far more important than partners at least until a fairly advanced stage of a relationship. Keep your boyfriends close but your friends even closer!

Take care and good luck job hunting,

on Apr 11, 2004
i love you paul youre sweet, but marvin youre an ass for what you said and you made my day worse. you will never understand what its like, so dont you dare say anythin glike that ever again until you have been raped-its worse than murder. i would have rathered the guys kill me than what they did.
on Apr 11, 2004
Marvin you and I know you were trying to get a rise out of her by saying that, are you that desperate to annoy people that you would trivialize her rape.
on Apr 11, 2004
Marvin, i now have total and complete conviction that you are a fucking prize A asshole.
on Apr 12, 2004
dharmagrl..........why do you always pick on me. i like you, but apparently you don't like me.

brokendownprincess...........sorry if i made you mad, though i don't know what i said to do that. i just told you to be careful. i did not say that you caused your own rape. but, today you women should be careful where you walk, and always watch around you for suspicious men. rape, today, is out of control. 50 percent of all women will have been date raped by the time they are 30 years old. also, dont wear to short of dresses. there are a lot of perverts around. and always carry mace or a gun (if your licensed). basically, be careful and try not to be alone with any bad guys. NOW, IS THAT BETTER?
on Apr 12, 2004
dharmagrl..........why do you always pick on me. i like you, but apparently you don't like me.

Really? I couldn't tell.

Marvin, you are just a contradiction in terms. You slag off homosexuals in one breath and then ask to see some "pussy" in the next. For you to go from being a supposedly sanctimonious, god fearing man in one article to such a lecherous-sounding creep in the next....well, it just doesn't make much sense to me. I'm not picking on you, btw. I just call it as I see it.

I try to like you Marvin, I really do. I'm not sorry I called you an asshole, just as I wouldn't ask you to be sorry for calling me a bitch if that's how I was behaving. What you said to princess about being raped was just downright uncalled for.

I'd like to see where you got your stats about date rape from.

on Apr 12, 2004
Marvin I don't even make the attempt to like you. You should thank dharmagrl for her forbearance. I would just club you like a baby seal and be done with it. (no baby seals were harmed during the writing of this post)
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