Dreams are not lost or broken...but pieced together as best they can be to create reality...
Life's a Beach
Published on April 11, 2004 By brokedownprincess In Personal Relationships
ok so ive spend the last three days at myrtle beach. it was gorgeous, i basically babysat my cousins but hey-it was good to be with family. and it was so warm....i got a little color! yay! speaking of tanning, i got a new job before i left on friday! i am now a tanning consultant at Viva La Tan!!! lol. hey-it sounds cool.
uh well im tired and have to work both jobs tomorrow and im kind of upset over a comment someone made::cough::marvin::cough:: so im gonna go. love you all.

on Apr 13, 2004
Congratulations on the job!

And you'll be able to stay tanned all year round!

on Apr 18, 2004
thank you! i know! isnt that fantastic! and im dark to begin with (im italian) so i am gonna be lookin DAMN sexy!!!!
on Apr 19, 2004

Being Irish I tend to be fairly pale and sun burn easily. I spent 2 hours out in the sun last month and ended up bright red! It was a gorgeous day though.

So is this just a summer job or a full time job then?

on Apr 19, 2004
full time until i go back to school, then partime.... hold up, youre irish? i kinda have a thing for irish guys...
on Apr 20, 2004
I live on another continent and am much older than you!

Would make it kind of difficult

You need to find a nice Irish guy in your location!

Do any blokes use the tanning salon?

on Apr 21, 2004
lol. i was in no way suggesting that paul... i was just being me...i can be a little flirty without thinking sometimes. but yeah, there are tons of guys that tan. HOT, straight ones too....yummy.
on Apr 22, 2004
Sounds like you'll be having a good summer then

Don't worry I didn't take anything the wrong way. I was just trying to be funny.

on Apr 23, 2004
lol. good. how old r you anyways?
on Apr 26, 2004

Which I would like to point out is

a) NOT old
such a good age as it balances youth, experience, achievement and money nicely. Old enough to afford what you want and young enough to enjoy it.
