Dreams are not lost or broken...but pieced together as best they can be to create reality...
I really am.
Published on February 25, 2004 By brokedownprincess In Personal Relationships
well. i forgot to take my meds today, so i just took them with the only thing todrink in the apartment...alcohol. good idea? probably not. do i care? nope.
so this sounds like selfpity but if its my only place where i can wallow then so be it. i am sick of being shit on. sick sick sick sick sick sick SICK OF IT. my life is one of despair. what did i do to deserve all this? i have been broken SO many times and i just wish someone could piece me back together. but the only one i want to talk to, the only one who can comfort isnt home....

on Feb 25, 2004
God can comfort you...but...no one wants to hear that....oops.

on Feb 25, 2004
the only person you want to talk to isn't home...

so you came to the next best place... JoeU we're here for ya Darlin'... but you'll have to give us a little more to go on if you want some input....

we're all ears (or would that be eyes?)
on Feb 25, 2004
Don't feel to bad, I'm cuddled up with a dead guy I think.
on Feb 25, 2004
Don't feel to bad, I'm cuddled up with a dead guy I think.

What the... no, I don't even wanna know. Ditto on what imajinit said.

on Feb 26, 2004
thank you all very much...i appreciate the comments, the interest, and the caring. I LOVE YOU ALL.....
on Feb 26, 2004
voodoo you are joking right I mean whoa... anyways brokedown have you ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy i.e. if you continue to think that you are going to be put down it is going to happen. Try and think completely positive for one week no matter what happens to you be completely optimistic and I guarantee that atleast one thing in your life will change positively. Good luck