Dreams are not lost or broken...but pieced together as best they can be to create reality...
Published on February 11, 2004 By brokedownprincess In Philosophy
Ok....lately i have been struggling with an inner turmoil. i have overstepped a boundary in order to be a good friend. i hope i have done the right thing....i have helped and yet hurt a dear friend of mine in one single swoop. she says she forgives me and i believe her, for she is admirable in that sense....i have never met another human being that is so forgiving and innocent and pure, yet true and real to herself....the Goddess has blessed me with such a person to learn from....i only hope our differences in beliefs and morality do not stand in the way of our friendship.

slight digression....i was thinking about something i read recently....a quote saying that you should be thankful for a blessing, no matter whom it came from. (from a pagan perspective in response to a christian's "God bless you"). i find this to be true. honestly, as a whole, i find much in christianity to be hypocritical. but then i have moments where i think to myself "how dare you?" i cannot judge them-it is not my place. i cannot feel anger towards christianity as whole just b/c of hurtful things that have been done in the name of it-to me or in history. these moments usually come about when i have an encounter with some of my true christian friends. for they truly live each day-to the best of their ability- in the true sense of christianity. for the ideals of this religion are honorable, as are those of most religions, but the folly lies in the application of an ideal to the reality of human nature. forgive me if i am preaching-but we are all guilty of it. i do not claim to be a high priestess,a paradime of Goddess-like perfection; no, i make mistakes. i feel anger at times, when i know in my heart that faith is love, and forgiveness. but someone true to their faith sees that they are not perfect and does not claim to be so, but strives daily to do their best to do what is right according to their religious vows. i know i do not live everyday like i should-i do not always feel like loving everyone as i should-but even on those days i still try. and that is what counts.
on Feb 11, 2004
I am a muslim. Right about now, being a muslim is a dangerous thing. For the last few years, other so called muslims have done grave things to others. I am begining to wonder what is their God really, even though our God's name is Allah. The truth is, hurting others let alone killing, is never written anywhere in all the good books.For whatever reason. The thing is, believers have misinterpreted. In fact in just about any religions, even though they all have more or less the same general idea about living in peace with one another, some of the believers thought/think differently.

You see, religion is about the way of living. The right way of living, where the believer could lives in peace with himself/herself, the people around him/her and his/her surrounding. Even if whatever around or related to him is not peaceful, he still is.

Religion is a lot like a clock ticking in a stormy weather. To be in peace and the best way to do that, is to know one's own strength and weakness. Use one strength for the good of others and the weakness, never affecting others but to be strengthen so as it could be better/stronger. That takes a lot of doing but, it is a lot easier than hurting someone or worst, yourself.
on Feb 11, 2004
It's inspiring to see someone open up like that. and I would not worry about your friend. In my experience, I've found friendship to be a religion in it's own. Experiences, can turn into traditions, and these traditions are backed with emotional reliability. Personally, the relationship with my best friend, whom I've known all my life, and my girlfriend, can sometimes seem stronger than any relationship that I've ever had with God, or any other divinity for that matter.
on Feb 11, 2004
..hmm, IMAO we should be way over differentiating between "God" and " Allah" and whatever Name for Him/Her
i might have forgotten.

I think the concept of god and the org. around it is a way of simplifying existence. Most People are just too
busy/lazy/uncreative to think up all their life concepts themselves, and what is even more important, keep on extending them everyday of their lives. ( Which of course they do, but since they already follow a written concept, they do it in secret ) What completely unnerves me is the herd-instinct humans have.
Many people feel inclined to follow a group just because of its size, as well as groups develop a selfunderstanding
of Belief-democracy --> you are a minority, your views are inferior, dirty, polemic etcetcetc.....
We are the majority, if u wanna get along with us u better go along with our principles.

...dunno what this reads like, ...but i don´t wanna diss people´s decisions, i diss that many people
stop reflecting on their own, and take decisions like how to live and what to strive for, under influence
of ideology. and ideology is always disrespectful for those who do not care for it.

for me, someone who knows too much about religion, history, politics, and way too little about the humans...,
the most important thing in life is a honest relationship with the people i love.
Mostly friends. as i got older i recognized the importance of real friends. especially between men.
a friendship between men last a lifetime, and it is fragile like paper.

If i was to accept the term "God" then i want the respect to be accepted as my own "God"

on Feb 11, 2004
I enjoyed your comments, friend. Keep searching.

on Feb 24, 2004
thank you all very much. to weltregierung-i agree. i call myself pagan for that very reason-many, not all, but many- people would not understand the fact that i merely believe what i believe and thats my faith. i feel no need for myself to put a lable on it. but for the understanding to others, i say pagan b/c it is closest to my beliefs. newage nomand-thank you, friend. i shall keep searching, and feel free to give any guidence you have...im always open to it! to phantom-thank you, i never thought id be inspiring! i am what i am...so thanks! and hans-i appreciated your comments very much....the fact that you recognize not only the folly of other religions but those of your own....follies in mans interpretation not of the religion itself that is. i look forward to hearing from you all again!