Dreams are not lost or broken...but pieced together as best they can be to create reality...
it's been a shitty night.
Published on April 23, 2004 By brokedownprincess In Personal Relationships
damn. im tired, pissy, hungry: and none of my friends are available. they are all either wasted or working. so instead of going to eat i might just go to darby's and get a little buzz. might put me in a better mood. i cant get too messed up cuz i have to be at work at 11 AM tomorrow....ugh. it was so awful there tonight. i dont want to go back tomorrow! but alas-i must. and after that i have to go to carvel and talk to that guy and see if they will be flexible enough to give me that job. ::sigh::

so....im tired. and im gonna go find something to do. love to all of ya!

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